The US Youth Soccer ODP Purpose:
The US Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program was formed in 1977 to identify a pool of players in each age group from which a National Team will be selected for international competition; to provide high-level training to benefit and enhance the development of players at all levels; and, through the use of carefully selected and licensed coaches, develop a mechanism for the exchange of ideas and curriculum to improve all levels of coaching.
The selection process takes place through state, regional and national trials. The primary benefit to the player is to be able to try out, train and play against the best players in their age group, furthering their development as soccer players.
The US Soccer Olympic Development program philosophy is to identify players of the highest caliber on a continuing basis for the purpose of increasing success of the U.S. national teams. The program was formed in 1977 to identify a pool of players in each age group from which a national team will be selected for international competition.
The East Region (West Virginia to Maine) holds an annual ODP tournament in early June (after state cup finals) to allow each state association’s ODP select team an opportunity to showcase its talent while competing against each other.
The East Region also hosts an invitation-only regional camp (formerly known as ID camp) in early July exclusively for ODP team participants. These camps are designed to provide high level competition and training for participating players. During this training and competition, players who are capable of performing at a higher level of play are identified for regional participation, and possible national team camp, pool, or team participation.
Benefits of participating in the US Youth Soccer ODP and East Region ODP Program include:
- Development as a player through experience. The opportunity to train and play with the best players in one’s age group (birth year.)
- Quality instruction from nationally licensed coaches.
- Quality competition. Games against other state association ODP teams.
- Exposure to regional and national team coaches.
- The opportunity to represent one’s state, region, or country in competition.
- Exposure to college coaches.
Soccer Maine ODP
For the 2025 season, the Soccer Maine ODP Program will have 11-12 teams from U-12 (birth year 2013) through U17 (birth year 2008).
ODP Questions should be referred to: Maine ODP Director Andy Halligan, andy@soccermaine.com
What is ODP?
The Olympic Development Program (ODP) is a United States Youth Soccer (USYS) program created to identify the best soccer players within each state association, and then further develop them through the experience of training and playing with and against the best from the other state associations in the East Region. ODP’s second purpose is to identify the best from each region for selection to the regional pool. Players in the East Region pool are considered candidates for consideration to the US National Team pool.
What is the East Region?
Created by USYS, the East Region is comprised of the 13 states of the Northeast, from West Virginia through Maine. It is one of four geographic units used to regionalize soccer in the US.
How much time will it take and will it conflict with my club team?
The time commitment is minimal — twice-a-month training sessions in the Winter, several outdoor sessions, several outdoor playdates with neighboring states and the ODP Regional Tournament. Your club and coaches are aware of ODP and support the program. They also support your involvement because you will become a better player by participating in it.
Where and when will we train and play our Friendly?
Winter trainings will be at Portland Sports Complex. Outdoor sessions will be on turf fields in Maine, and the playdate opportunities will be in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, with a potential home playdate as well.
How much will it cost?
The cost for the ODP program is adjusted each year. Costs for this coming year are being set now. Included in the cost are training sessions, play dates with other states, coaches’ stipend, Regional Tournament entry fee and administration, and training t-shirt. This fee does not include the uniform or optional Invitation-only ODP ID Camp (Regional Pool Camp), in July.
What is East Region ODP “ID” Camp?
ID Camp, also called the Regional Pool Camp, is an optional four-day camp in early July. It is restricted to ODP players only, and its purpose is to identify the East Region Pool. The Camp is by invitation-only because your player has been identified via a playdate or other method. From the Camp, the Regional teams are selected and invited to play in the Interregional event in Florida in January.
How has ODP helped Maine Soccer players?
ODP provides experience and exposure to further develop the player’s ability. Experience playing with and against the best in the East Region improves the player’s game awareness, creativity and speed of play. Exposure to college coaches and East Region Pool selection opens additional soccer doors. ODP players are considered some of the best candidates to play college soccer and are sought after by many college programs.
How are Maine ODP players chosen?
Through open tryouts and recommendations from Premier club coaches in each age group. To be chosen as an ODP player is quite an honor and means that player has been identified as one of the best 18 players by age in Maine.
Who is the Coach?
All ODP Coaches are experienced, professional coaches holding national licenses. Many are college coaches and most have played college or professional soccer.
Soccer Maine is proud to participate in all US Youth Soccer programming, of which ODP is an integral part. Soccer Maine ODP offers teams for Girls and Boys ages U12 through U17. There will be training in the winter, along with games against other State programs, a regional tournament and invitation to the ODP East Region Camp held in July. Evaluations are by birth year. Our coaches and staff will be working with other New England states to get our players in front of ODP scouts as much as possible in order for them to earn an invitation to the East Region ODP Training Camp.
Soccer Maine’s 2025 ODP tryouts will take place on November 10th and 17th, 2024.
Click here for tryout information!
2025 ODP Training and Events – (click below)
Please contact ODP Director Andy Halligan with any questions at andy@soccermaine.com.
Soccer Maine would like to congratulate the following players for their selection to the East Region ODP Pool. These players were invited to participate in the East Region ODP Camp in Connecticut in July.
Finley Brown
Elsa Freeman
Gabriella Gerry
Abigail Pausman
Madeline Tohanczyn
Haylee Chandler
Noelle Mallory
Grace Marquis
Sophia Marrone
Caitlynn Bateman
Eve Domareki
Payton Guerrett
Stella Mccarthy
Maizie Savage
Molly Williams
Quinn Bennett
Liv Domareki
Caroline Harper
Alexa Mallory
Jennifer Schwarz
Matilda Freeman
Mia Paules
Alessandra Petrovic
Wren Bodah
Sage Cammarata
Isabel Morse
Joan Sacks
Robert Conover
Boston Enggass
Ben Urban
Jonah Daigle
Finn Hughes
Jakob Loughlin
Rafael Matteo Rentosa
Wyatt Braun
Jonathan Sungubele
Sabiq Ali
Kaelan Richards